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Psychic Dependency on the Psychic Reading Circuit

Psychic Dependency on the Psychic Reading Circuit

There is a need in all of us to question things in our life; to wonder, to contemplate to verify, to know. Sometimes that need leads us to someone who can bring insight and clarity into a matter that may be troubling us based on Higher Guidance. Why is it that some can get the value of a spiritual consultation or psychic reading, while others become susceptible to fueling the human conditions such as emotional deprivation, depression, grief or perception of loss of any kind; and, instead of alleviating these things as a result of psychic advice regarding an issue in your life, the readings shift into filling an emptiness that becomes increasingly difficult to manage and triggers what is termed "psychic addiction" or "psychic dependency. " psychic readings

I recall a reading I was giving on a psychic network on the web, where thousands of advisers were offering their services--although no special skills or knowledge is required to give advice there. Since I own and operate my own service outside of any network, I have been able to experience a sharp disparity in the seekers who call network psychics and seekers who call for a private consultation.

Most often, seekers of psychic advice who are calling psychics on a network will call hundreds of different psychics asking them the same questions. Even when advised not to do this, the temptation is too strong for them to resist. They call and call trying to determine if what one psychic said would be verified by another, then another and another. On and on until the querent (the seeker) begins to call psychics armed with information they "believe, " because they have been told, and which now takes on a new quality or dimension in a reading which actually begins to alter the baseline circumstances and causes a shift in what is picked up from psychic to psychic. In other words, somewhere the initial concern gets cluttered with unsubstantiated facts and predictions and consequently new feelings arise out of what they now believe and begin to feel they already know. A real psychic picks up thoughts, feelings, etc., but when a querent has new feelings and thoughts based on what they have been told my hundreds of psychics, this becomes a form of "transformed energy. " Many psychics find themselves struggling with what they "see" versus what the client is telling them. It takes a skilled spiritual adviser to get past these new beliefs and pre-conceived ideas and to get to the bottom of the matter, undiluted by junk (most likely idealistic and often fanciful information where things turn out precisely as the seeker wants them to). A common misconception is when a psychic picks up on another's emotions and when favorable to the client, it is mistakenly turned into a favorable prediction of the future. This is where skill and experience is necessary.

Many times these predictions are not accurate although many psychics pick up similar details in the past and present; so you can imagine the kind of confusion that will develop over a period of time after consistently going from one psychic to another. Suddenly there is no clarity, there is only confusion, there are no answers, and there are many answers. In fact, there are too many answers--too many viewpoints, too many subjective opinions, too many readings from too many different [misguided] advisers who say opposite things from each other. Then, in the confusion, the seeker continues to ask psychic after psychic trying to get even more answers and it becomes a vicious cycle. This is particularly evident in large networks with large numbers of individuals trained to give script readings or cold readings-a place where the chances of finding an authentic psychic is about two in literally hundreds (approx. 0. 5%). This is not a place for someone who has dependency issues. Getting psychic readings can be just as addictive as anything that one can become dependent on-- as addictive as drugs or alcohol. As studies have shown, the tendencies are usually already there genetically for drugs and alcohol as these addictions span familial generations. For people who have found themselves addicted to psychic readings, a similar process is going on. Of course, there have not been clinical studies verifying psychic addiction compared to drug or alcohol addiction, or psychological addiction; but rest assured the same impulses and tendencies are inherent in this behavior with just as serious consequences resulting from calling too many psychics too often. The seeker now is going to the psychic to get a temporary fix where the idealistic, unrealistic information given now is what the seeker is seeking rather than illumination. The seeker becomes addicted to the "good feeling" he receives after hearing that everything is going to work out exactly as he or she wants. This works for a while until the seeker comes to the full realization, that they have been a victim of deceptive practices or even as a result of well-intentioned psychic advisers who find themselves susceptible to these pitfalls. That's when things get ugly and there are now thousands of bitter seekers who may finally reach a genuine psychic who can help them, but will never be able to recognize it because this is the point where a seeker calls and is "abrupt, impatient and ready to harass" an unsuspecting and real spiritual adviser.

I would like to point out my experience as an authentic psychic intuitive and the impression I am left with when I speak with seekers on a network as compared with those in a private consultation. Those who call me privately usually have done their research about psychics, most have often already been through the network psychics and have become totally disillusioned, yet their own intuition is telling them that something real is out there. They just have to try a little harder to find someone who is legitimate, someone whose ability is outweighed only by their integrity and deep commitment to truth.

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