Online gamers must already know World of Warcraft. With more than 11. 5 million subscribers around the world, buy wow classic gold World of Warcraft is the leader in MMORPG. Why is it so famous and so successful? The main reason is that it is very accessible and straightforward. World of Warcraft is easy to play, even for someone who has little or no experience at all playing online game. Most newbie wouldn't have a hard time to getting started.
When you first bought World of Warcraft game, it came in 4 discs. Then you need to install the game to your computer. Don't worry. Installing this game is easy. After you install the game, the next step would be to create a game account. Connect to the internet and signup at World of Warcraft website. For signup and subscription, you need to pay the subscription fee around US$19. 95 per month. But for the first month, it's usually free of charge. Most World of Warcraft CD game already consists of free subscription fee for 1st month. When you subscribe to World of Warcraft, you can choose to pay monthly, three-monthly and six-monthly. Believe me. Money is not an issue when you play World of Warcraft since the game is so much fun.
World of Warcraft operates through a series of servers. In World of Warcraft, we call these servers as "Realms". World of Warcraft has many realms around the world. Why did it need so many realms? This is to make online gamers which scattered all over the world, can just easily connect to the nearest realms. Thus making the game more reliable and faster. And in the end, making World of Warcraft more enjoyable to play. Another reason why WoW is very famous to online gamers.
Azeroth is the name of the world where World of Warcraft events took place. Azeroth is a unique world, quite similar to our planet Earth, but has its own unique history, myths and off course unique creatures. After creating Azeroth, it is said the ancient gods then gave rise to the earliest races on the planet. With its own forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, cities, caverns, dungeons, Azeroth is an interesting place to have an adventure. Just like our beloved Earth, Azeroth has gone through pain and experience much trouble. It also has gone through great wars and conflict.
The Azeroth's world in World of Warcraft in general divide into three huge continents. The inhabitants of the three continents is not what you would find on Earth. The first continent is the Eastern Kingdom. The inhabitants are humans, gnomes and dwarfs. They are known as The Alliance. The second continent is Kalimdor. Orcs, taurens, and trolls inhabited this great continent. They are known as The Horde. The last huge continent is Northrend where the evil and wicked Lich King rules. Other than unique inhabitant race for each continent, each also has unique climate.
Blizzard Entertainment has build Azeroth as a vast world. It's huge with so many area to explore and making the game more exciting since you always find some new places for an adventure. Although you need to explore a vast world, it's easy, even for newbie, to understand the game. In World of Warcraft, you need to choose whether you're going to play as the Alliance or the Horde. The Alliance is fast, agile but weak in physical strength. The Horde is powerful, physically strong but slow. Choose wisely the character that suits you. There's no evil or good side here. You get to decide if you're going to be an evil or good character.