I saw something today that I thought was absolutely brilliant. A popular article marketing website offered a challenge. What was brilliant was that this was a challenge within a challenge. Task List Extension
The site owner began his challenge by asking his members to submit one hundred articles over a one hundred day period. For sixty-six days his members wrote articles. Some members had written their one hundred articles or more at the end of the sixty-six days and some members had only written ten articles at the end of the sixty-six days. It didn't matter which category you fell into, he now offered a brand new thirty day challenge. His challenge was to write thirty more articles in the last thirty days of the challenge.
As I read the comments on his blog, I realized how brilliant this idea was. For those members who had already submitted their one hundred articles, the site owner stood a chance of getting another thirty articles for his site from these members. For those members who had given up on the challenge, thinking they wouldn't make the challenge, they now had a reason to write like crazy for the next thirty days.
You can apply this same concept to your network marketing team. For example, what if you offered a challenge to your team to recruit ten new team members over a sixty day period? Then, what if during the last week of those sixty days, you now offered a mini challenge of "recruit three new team members this week for a mini prize? " For some of your team members, this might mean they recruit their first ten, plus another three. For other team members, it might mean they get three when they had given up hope of achieving the original ten.
If you're offering a sales challenge, what if you offered a ninety day sales challenge of selling $3000 over those ninety days? Then, what if during the last thirty days you said, "I'll offer a mini challenge to those who can sell $1000 in the last thirty days. ' Here's what might happen. You might have some team members who complete their $3000 in sales prior to the end of the ninety days. Those same team members may now come and sell an additional $1000 to meet the mini challenge. What about the team member who had a slow start and fell behind in goals to hit the original $3000? Now that team member can jump in with the new mini challenge and possibly produce $1000 in sales for your team.
This is a win/win strategy for everyone involved. Your team members win by meeting challenges and producing sales or growing their team. You win by raising the increase your own team will see by offering these mini challenges.
Of course, you can't offer mini challenges every time or your team will all wait until the end to complete the challenges. But, what an awesome surprise to learn you now have two ways to qualify for a challenge.