There are many different and varied ways of earning money whilst online, and if all used suitably and correctly you could easily make a living just working at home using the Internet. With some of the online jobs, perseverance will be the key: don't just give up after a few days of answering paid surveys when you get frustrated seeing your account balance still sitting empty. Simply put, these methods of earning money online are guaranteed to work, but you must be a patient person. Don't expect instant results, and don't simply expect to sit back and watch the money roll in; nothing in life is this simple, you have to put a lot of work into things before you start to see any positive developments. ganhar dinheiro na internet
One of the first things you should do is to join a free paid survey website. There are several well known paid survey sites that are completely free to join and use, and upon entering some simple questions on their website you should start getting emailed surveys, usually around 3 or 4 times a week. Complete these surveys and eventually your account balance will get updated (this isn't instant, so don't panic when you appear to have earned no money as usually it takes a week or so to be included in your earnings). A paid survey completed will earn you around £4 from about 30 minutes work. If you complete around 4 in a week, then this is £16 a week from paid surveys. Obviously not a large amount, but if you were to join a second, or a third paid survey site, then you could be doubling or tripling your earnings. Potentially you could be earning £48 a week from about 4 or 5 hours work. This is a payout rate of about £9 an hour which isn't too bad. Any of the surveys completed are usually multiple choice, and are very simple to complete. Sometimes they are even enjoyable, involving watching clips from the latest movie trailers and giving relevant feedback.
Another simple but effective little earner is writing product reviews online. There are a few sites that pay people to write online product reviews, and I really recommend that you join each of these paid to review sites. They are completely free to join and use and you can usually earn around 3 or £4 per review written. If the review is of a very good quality you might also receive part of a prize fund at the end of the month, which is usually around £10 extra per review written.
After joining a free paid review website, you should decide on a product to review. There are thousands of products listed on the website, including various items such as foodstuffs, toiletries, computer games, DVD players, websites, restaurants, etc. When you have decided and located a product to review, write the review and post it on the website. You earn money every time another user reads and then rates one of your reviews - so make sure you read and rate lots of other members' reviews in the hope that they return the favour. I've estimated that you can earn around £4 per hour on a paid to review website, you could spend around 30-40minutes writing a top review and then 25 minutes or so reading and rating other members' reviews. The best thing about the paid review websites are that they are very similar, and they allow reviews posted on one website to be posted on the next. So if you write a review on one site, you can copy and paste it on to the next, doubling your earnings. Therefore I think you could probably earn on average around £6 per hour at a paid review website.
Another of the ways to earn money online is by using a cashback website. Usually with a cashback website the only way to earn money is by spending money: you get cash back every time you make a transaction online. However you can earn money just joining free websites, all you have to do is complete some forms online to sign up to the free sites. I recommend creating a new free email account, as you will receive quite a lot of junk emails from joining these sites. There is around £30 to earn from free to join websites, and although this wont take you long to get through there are easily another 5 or 6 cashback websites you can use, and can do exactly the same thing with. This could earn you around £15 per hour, although it won't last forever.